Modul Documentation


boozelib.ALCOHOL_DENSITY = 0.8

density of alcohol (g/ml)

boozelib.BLOOD_DENSITY = 1.055

density of blood (g/ml)

boozelib.WATER_IN_BLOOD = 0.8

parts of water in blood (%)

boozelib.ALCOHOL_DEGRADATION = 0.0025

for kg body weight per minute (g)


boozelib.get_blood_alcohol_content(*, age: int, weight: int, height: int, sex: bool, volume: int, percent: float) → float[source]

Return the blood alcohol contents raise (per mill) for a person after a drink.

Given a drink containing volume (ml) of alcohol with the percent (vol/vol), for a person with age (years), weight (kg) and height (cm), using the formular for “female body types” if sex is true.

boozelib.get_blood_alcohol_degradation(*, age: int, weight: int, height: int, sex: bool, minutes: int = 1) → float[source]

Return the alcohol degradation (per mill) for a person over minutes.

For a person with age (years), weight (kg) and height (cm), using the formular for “female body types” if sex is true, over the given minutes.

boozelib.calculate_alcohol_weight(*, volume: int, percent: float) → float[source]

Return the amount of alcohol (in gramm) contained in a drink.

Given a drink with a volume (ml) containing percent (vol/vol) alcohol.

boozelib.calculate_alcohol_degradation(*, weight: int, minutes: int = 1) → float[source]

Return the alcohol degeneration (in gramm) over time.

For a person with weight (in kg) over the given minutes.

boozelib.calculate_body_water(*, age: int, weight: int, height: int, sex: bool) → float[source]

Return the amount of water (in liter) in a persons body.

For a person with age (years), weight (kg) and height (cm), using the formular for “female body types” if sex is true.

boozelib.gramm_to_promille(*, gramm: float, body_water: float) → float[source]

Return the blood alcohol contents of a person, given alcohol (in gramm) and body water (in liter).

boozelib.promille_to_gramm(*, promille: float, body_water: float) → float[source]

Return the ammount of alcohol in a persons body (in gramm), given promille and body water (in liter).